Features - Vignettes - April 9, 2000 |
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By Robert B. Van Atta
As the Civil War moved along through the events cited in last Sunday's
Vignettes, two major scares occurred in 1863. Other effects included
college reactions as a part of the historical perspective.
Two Pittsburgh installations were principal Union suppliers. The Fort Pitt
foundry on 28th Street was one of the most prominent makers of cannon and
large guns. In addition to making Naval guns, it furnished almost 3,000
cannons and big guns for the Army.
The federal arsenal in the Lawrenceville section of the city, built in
1814, was a key supplier of ammunition. Furnishing the Army of the West
primarily, it employed as many as 1,200.
However, on Sept. 17, 1862, a tragic explosion at its ammunition
laboratory killed 78, mostly 16- to 20-year-old girls. Twice that number
were injured. A spark apparently ignited powder dust under quite dry
conditions, starting a fire which spread to ammunition stocks.
Various colleges felt war effects. Penn State (then Agricultural College
of Pennsylvania) had so many faculty and students enlisting in a major
exodus. It caused virtual suspension of classes for several months.
Some southern students were "marooned" at St. Vincent College. At one
time, they raised a Confederate battle flag over the college, causing
local farmers to descend wrathfully on the school.
One action at Pitt (then Western University of Pennsylvania) was a force
of 90 students, which joined in wielding picks and shovels in making
fortifications and digging trenches during the 1863 invasion scares. By
the time the threat receded, 12 miles of entrenchments crowned Bloomfield,
Stanton Heights, Mt. Washington and Herron Hill.
The scares came from two directions. Just prior to the battle at
Gettysburg, a Confederate force of about 3,000 pushed west from
Chambersburg and Mercersburg toward Altoona, as it turned out. The
apparent target was the railroad through the mountains, in an effort to
disrupt shipments. The effort, however, was abandoned.
A few weeks later, a raid by Gen. John H. Morgan's Confederate cavalry
through the Ohio River valley triggered other response. Many citizens'
groups in the southwest corner of the state organized to meet that
perceived threat as the troops reached toward Morgantown.
The ultimate target in that vicinity was also disruption of railroad
shipments, this time on the Baltimore & Ohio which then went around the
corner of Pennsylvania.
These threats caused various reactions. One night, a group of local
"minutemen" were scouting south of Waynesburg when they spotted a band of
mounted troops ahead of them. The patrol reversed itself and rode
frantically through Waynesburg to Washington warning that "Morgan was
This caused a panic, but the troops turned out to be simply another local
Throughout the area east of Pittsburgh, farmers hid horses and cattle in
deep ravines, merchants concealed goods in barns and coal mines, and
citizens buried valuables.
At West Newton, the town formed a company to protect the town, headed by
84-year-old Gen. Joseph Markle.
Along what is now Route 31 in East Huntingdon Township, a group of
cavalrymen was seen coming across a hill. A school teacher, fearing they
were Confederates, dismissed the students and told them to run for their
lives. They turned out to be Union soldiers trying to rejoin their
A Greensburg church pastor, who strongly supported the Union, did so with
a heavily burdened heart. He had taught school and studied theology in the
Virginia Confederacy. He preached for a number of years in the Shenandoah
Valley, and was a college president there. He married his wife and raised
his children in the Confederacy.
A newspaper, the Westmoreland Argus at Greensburg, had a small headline at
the bottom of the front page of its April 12, 1865, edition, "General Lee
Surrenders." On an inside page of that issue, there was another headline,
"Assassination of President Lincoln."
Four buddies from McKeesport stationed at Washington, D.C., went to Ford's
Theater for an evening's entertainment. During that performance, President
Abraham Lincoln was shot there. They carried him out of the theater to a
house across the street, and remained until a doctor told them it was
fatal, after which they returned to camp.
The assassination prematurely ended the great celebration that had erupted
at war's end in southwestern Pennsylvania and the Union north.
An early southwestern Pennsylvania industry of prominence was copper
manufacturing, particularly during the first two-thirds of the 19th
century, centered in Allegheny County.
The prime users of the manufactured copper were makers of stills for
distilleries, piping for steamboats when Pittsburgh was a boatbuilding
center, and cooking kettles.
The copper ore was mined in the Lake Superior region.
In addition to Pittsburgh plants, other works were at McKeesport,
Tarentum, Braddock and other towns.
The first telegraphic dispatch over the Allegheny Mountains was sent from
Pittsburgh to the president of the United Stats in 1846 by the
Pennsylvania adjutant general.
Gen. G.W. Bowman was at the time engaged in getting state volunteers to
the Mexican war site. From the headquarters of the Pennsylvania militia at
Pittsburgh, on Dec. 29 at 3 p.m., he sent this message:
"The compliments of Adjutant General Bowman to His Excellency James K.
Polk, President of the United States. The Second Pennsylvania Regiment
will be organized and ready to leave this place (Pittsburgh) by the sixth
of January.
"The weather is mild and the river in good order. I have the honor
conferred on me of making the first communication by telegraph west of the
Allegheny Mountains, to the President of the United States, over the
Atlantic & Ohio Telegraph line."
The Second Pennsylvania Regiment, which included men from Allegheny and
other counties, was commanded by Col. William B. Roberts, with Lt. Col.
John W. Geary as second in command. Geary, from Mt. Pleasant, achieved
many military and political honors, among them later serving as governor
of Pennsylvania.
The regiment went downriver to New Orleans, where it joined the First
Pennsylvania Regiment. The units saw action at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo
(where a smallpox epidemic hit them), Puebla (where Roberts was killed),
and in the decisive actions around Mexico City in the late summer of
April 9 has been relatively quiet in regional history.
Coal Center in Washington County in 1834 and Parnassus in Westmoreland
County in 1872 were incorporations of new boroughs.
And at Greensburg, Westmoreland Home for the Aged was established in
The 1930s were golden years for Pittsburgh major college football as Pitt,
Carnegie Tech and Duquesne all appeared in the relatively few major bowls
then. The combined seasons of 1932 and 1933 found the three compiling a
total record of 41 victories, 10 losses, and seven ties.
During that two-year period, in regular season play, Pitt had only one
loss, Duquesne three, and Tech six. The Tartans gleaned great joy,
however, by defeating Notre Dame, 7-0, in a major 1933 upset.
Pitt's only regular season loss in two years was by 7-3 to Minnesota,
although in 1932 another occurred at the hands of Southern California in
the Rose Bowl.
A notable bowl win for Duquesne came after the 1933 season, a 33-7
conquest of Miami (Fla.) in the Orange Bowl.
Coaches then were Elmer Layden at Duquesne, Robert N. Waddell and Howard
Harpster at Tech, and Dr. John B. (Jock) Sutherland for the Panthers.
Robert B. Van Atta is history editor of the Tribune-Review
Born in 1835 in Scotland, his family came to the United States in 1848 and
settled in what is now Pittsburgh's North Side. There, he worked as a
bobbin boy in a cotton mill first, then became a telegrapher.
As such, Carnegie served at Greensburg for a short time in the early
1850s, where he received his library inspiration. Next came a stint with
the Pennsylvania Railroad, where he became a superintendent at an early
age. He also was quite involved in security sales from which he gleaned
money for investment.
As early as 1861 when excitement began in the Oil City area, his
investments in the oil business were quite successful. He moved into steel
and an association with Henry Clay Frick.
By 1900, his Carnegie Steel Company made about one-fourth of the nation's
steel. It became part of U.S. Steel in 1901.
A serious writer throughout his life, Carnegie as a youth had aspired to
be a newspaper reporter. Instead, he became the first American businessman
to become a writer, and without using a ghost writer, penned a number of
books, even including one on travel.
His first "considerable" gift was a natural history collection to what is
now the University of Pittsburgh, shortly after the Civil War. Carnegie's
benefactions included a large number of libraries, many to education (such
as what became Carnegie Mellon), and a wide range of cultural operations
(including Carnegie Hall in New York).
By the time of his death in 1919, Carnegie had given away $311 million, at
a time when the value of money was much more than a century later.
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